Blogspot for Robbie Basho the Seal of the Blue Lotus

  • -The Seal of the Blue Lotus (1965) Takoma 1005 (***+ /SBJ personal rating)
    Seal of the Blue Lotus/1st A)-Seal of the Blue Lotus ( 6str.g, vocal),
    -Mountain Man's Farewell (12str.g ),
    -Dravidian Sunday (6str.g)
    B)-Bardo Blues (6str.g),
    -Sansara in Sweetness after Sandstorm (12str.g, voice),
    -Black Lotus - Hymn to Fugen (6str.g)

  • -Contemporary Guitar (1966/Compilation) Takoma 1006
    Contemorary Guitar/1st special works just for this album by;

    -John Fahey, Max Ochs, Harry Taussig, Bukka White
    RB-track: The Thousand Incarnations of the Rose (6str.guitar)

  • -The Grail and the Lotus (1966) Takoma 1007 (****)
    The Grail and the Blue Lotus/1st A)-The Grail and the Lotus (6str.g),
    -The Dharma Prince (6str.g),
    -Oriental Love Song (6str.g, whistling)
    B)-The Golden Shamrock (6str.g),
    -Street Dakini (6str.g),
    -Chung Mei - Chinese Orchid (6str.g, whistling)
    rec: Feb.12,19,26,1966 KPFA

  • -Basho Sings! (1967) Takoma 1012 (****)
    Basho Sings A)-Salangadou (6str.,vocal),
    -Allons Au Ball Colinda (6str.g, vocal),
    - Katari Takawaitha (6str.g, vocal),
    -Basket Full of Dragons (12str.g,vocal),
    -Soliloquy (6str.g, vocal),
    -Tibetian Bach (6str.g, vocal)
    B)Dance Calinda (6str.g, vocal),
    -Basho's Blues (6str.g, vocal),
    -Black Mare Moan (6str.g, vocal),
    -New Lhasa New Year's Chorale (12str.g, voice)

  • -The Falconer�s Arm,Vol.1 (1967) Takoma 1017 (****)
    The Falconer's Arm I A)-The Falconer's Arm (12str.guitar),
    -Tassajara (Zen Shinji)(6str.guitar/Susan Graubard -flute)
    B)-Lost Lagoon Suite (12str.guitar),
    -Pavan Hindustan (6str.guitar), -Babs (6str.guitar)

  • -The Falconer�s Arm,Vol.2 (1967) Takoma 1018 (****)
    The Falconer's Arm II A)-Variations on "Shakespeare Wallah" (6str.g, voice),
    -Song of the Snowy Ranges (6str.guitar)
    B)-Pasha (6str.g, vocal),
    -Song of God (12str.g,voice)

  • -Venus in Cancer (1969) Blue Thumb 10 (*****)
    Venus in Cancer A)-Venus in Cancer (6str.guitar),
    -Eagle sails the Blue Diamond Waters (12str.g, voice),
    -Kowaka D'Amour (6str.guitar)
    B)-Song for the Queen (6str.g, vocal),
    -Cathedrals Et Fleur De Lis (12str.guitar),
    -Wine Song -(Sweet Wine Of Love) (6str.g, vocal)

  • -Song of the Stallion (1971) Takoma 1031 (*****)
    Song of the Stallion A)-Song of the Stallion (12str.g, vocal),
    -A North American Raga (The Plumstar)(6str.g, vocal),
    -The Lady, She is in Waiting (6str.g),
    B)-Roses and Snow (6str.g, vocal),
    -California Raga (6str.g, vocal),
    -The Hajj (12str.g),
    -Khatum (12str.g)

  • -The Voice of the Eagle (1972) Vanguard 79321 (****)
    Venus in Cancer A) -The Voice of the Eagle (12str.g,vocal),
    -Wounded Knee Soliloquy (6str.g, vocal),
    -Blue Corn Serenade (6str.g, vocal)
    B)-Joseph (6str.g, vocal),
    -Omaha Tribal Prayer (6str.g, vocal),
    -Sweet Medicine (12str.g, whistling),
    -Roses and Gold (6str.g, vocal),
    -Moving Up A Ways (6str.g, vocal)

  • -Zarthus (1974) Vanguard 79339 (*****)
    Zarthus A) -Zarthus (12str.g, vocal),
    -Khoda É Gul É Abe (12str.g),
    -Mehera (p,vocal),
    -Khalil Gibran (6str.g,vocal),
    -Bride Divine (6str.g,vocal)
    B) -Rhapsody in Druz (p,vocal)

  • -Visions of the Country (1978) Windham Hill 1005(*****)
    (1981 on Pastels/Germany/B-ST-2026)
    Visions of the Country A) -Green River Suite (6str.g,vocal),
    -Rodeo (6str.g),
    -Rocky Mountain Raga (12str.g, vocal/Antoinette Marcus -v),
    -Variations on Easter (6str.g),
    -Blue Crystal Fire (6str.g,vocal)
    B) -Orphan's Lament (p,vocal),
    -Leaf in the Wind (p,whistling),
    -Night Way (6str.g,vocal),
    -Elk Dreamer's Lament (12str.g),
    -Call on the Wind (6str.g, vocal)

  • -Art of the Acoustic Steel String Guitar 6 &12 (1979) Windham Hill 1010(*****)
    (1980 on Pastels/Germany/G-ST-2021)
    (1981 on Lost Lake Arts / LL-83)
    Art of the Acoustic Steel String Guitar 6 & 12 A) -The Grail and The Lotus (6str.g),
    -Cathedrals Et Fleur De Lis (12str.g),
    -Pasha (6str.g,voice),
    -A Study for Steel String (6str.g),
    -Ackerman Special (6str.g),
    -Apres Midi American (6str.g)
    B) -Variations on Grieg (6str.g),
    -Scottish Rites (12str.g),
    -Pavan India (6str.g),
    -Variations on Ezumi (6str.g),
    -Variations on Claire De Lune (12str.g)

  • -Rainbow Thunder (Songs of the American West) (1981) Silver Label Rec.029 (****)
    Rainbow Thunder A) -Redwood Ramble (6str.g),
    -Crashing Thunder (12str.g, voice),
    -Moving Up A'Ways (6str., voice),
    -Legend of Mount Tamalpias (6str.g,voice),
    -Rainbow Thunder (6str.g,voice)
    B) -The Pathfinder (6str.g, voice),
    -The White Buffalo (12str.g,voice),
    -Home Again (6str.g,drum,voice),
    -The Long Lullaby (12str.g,voice),
    -Black Hills Sololoquy (6str.g,voice)

  • -Basho�s Best (Antolog.) (1982) MC/Basho -Productions

    A) - Tassajara-Zen Shinji 9:45, - Lost Lagoon Suite 12:11, - Kowaka D�Amour 6:38
    B) - Variations of Shakespeare Wallah 13:47, - Song of the Queen 9:30, -California Raga 9:24)

  • -Bouquet (1983) MC/Basho -Productions (*****)
    Basho's cover Bouquet

    Basho's Cover - Bouquet

    A) -The Golden Medallion (6str.g,voice),
    -Khalil Gibran (6str.g,voice),
    -The White Swallow (6str.g,voice),
    -The Polish Rider (6str.g,voice),
    -El Cid (6str.g,voice)
    B) -Lightening Thunder (6str.g,voice),
    -Land of Our Fathers (Hopi Hymn)(12str.g,voice/feat. the Consortium of the Arts Choir, dir. by David Hogan),
    -Tears of Teresa (6str.g,voice),
    -Blues from Lebanon (6str.g,voice),
    -The Song of Leila (6str.g,voice),
    -The White Princess (p,)

  • -Twilight Peaks (1984) MC/Basho -Prod./The Art of Relaxation/Vital Body (****)
    Twilight Peaks A) -Twilight Peaks (6str.g),
    -Nice Enough For Love (6str.g),
    -Afternoon and Evening (6str.g),
    -Where Butterflies in Winter Go (6str.g)
    B) -Japan Idyll (6str.g),
    -Camelot II (6str.g),
    -Golden Dragon (6str.g),
    -Lament For The Earth (6str.g)
    Basho's flyer Twilight Peaks

    Basho's Flyer

  • 2008-ROBBIE BASHO "BONN 1ST SUPREME" Bo'Weavil Recordings (***+)
    (live 1980 at Kulturforum Bonn/Germany)
    Bonn 1st Supreme -Redwood Ramble (6str.g),
    -Fandango (12str.g, voc),
    -Variations on 'Easter' (6str.g),
    -Rocky Mountain Raga (12str.g, voc),
    -Cathedrals et Fleur de Lis (12str.g),
    -German Chocolate Cake (6str.g, voc),
    -Silky Jane (6str.g),
    -The Grail and the Lotus (6str.g),
    -Pavan India (6str.g),
    -Variations on Claire de Lune (12str.g),
    -California Raga (6str.g, voc)

    unofficial re-release:

  • 1975? - "Robbie Basho, Indian Album II"
    -unreleased studio recordings for Vanguard, published digitally 2007 as "Indian II" like the tapes were labeled

    1. A Day in the Life of Lemmeria (p,whistling,vocal)- 6:52 (earlier v. of "Leaf in the Wind" /Visions of the Country)
    2. Night Way (6str.g,vocal)- 6:16 (>> Visions of the Country)
    3. The Butterfly of Wonder (12str.g,vocal)- 2:52
    4. Laughing Thunder (12str.g,vocal)- 7:02 (>altern.: "Crashing Thunder" on Rainbow Thunder)
    5. Thunder Sun (12str.g,vocal)- 6:07
    6. Kateri Takekithwa (6str.g,vocal)- 4:31
    7. Thunder Love (12str.g,vocal)- 6:07
    8. Song of the Great Mystery (6str.g)- 7:34
    9. Death Song (6str.g,vocal)- 3:45


  • 1975 live version of "Wounded Knee", recorded Live at the United State Cafe (link see Special/live)
  • 1975 live at Amazingrace (Evanston, IL)(link see Special/live)
  • 1978 live at the Sinclair Auditorium/Coe College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa (July, 22,1978) (see Special/live)
  • 1980 live at Bonn Kultur Forum /European Tour>>2008 Bonn 1st Supreme
  • 1982 live at the Stone City General Store in Stone City, Iowa (see Special/live)
  • 1982 live in Brescia/Italy 10/1/82 /European Tour
  • 1. Song of the Stallion
    2. Redwood Ramble
    3. Rocky Mountain Raga
    4. German Chocolate Cake
    5. The Grail and the Lotus
    6. Cathedrals Et Fleur De Lis
    7. Pavan India
    8. Variations on Claire De Lune
    9. The Polish Rider

    recorded interviews with live performance:

  • 1974 "Ode to Gravity" (Charles Amirkhanian)(link see Special/live)
  • 1980 "BFBS Night flight" Interview (Alan Bangs) and performance
  • 1983 "live from Studio One" /Cedar Falls 2/7/83 (Jennifer Alt/KUNI)(see Special/live)

  • RB on compilations:

  • 1971 - All Day Thumb Sucker (Sampler) Blue Thumb 2000
    All Day Thumb Sucker RB-track:

    Robbie Basho � Eagle Sails The Blue Diamond Waters 6:45

  • 1981 - Windham Hill Records Sampler �81 (Sampler) W.Hill CD 0193411015
    -Visions of the Country was later removed from WH catalog, so the later edition
    of the WHill sampler missed "Elk Dreamer's Lament"
    Windham Hill Records Sampler '81 RB-tracks:

    -Variations on Ezumi, - Elk Dreamer's Lament

  • 1981 - The Best Of Acoustic Steel String Guitar Solos (Pastels/Germany/S-ST-2027)
    (Pastels Records Sampler '81)
    Windham Hill Records Sampler '81 w: William Ackerman, Alex De Grassi, Daniel Hecht, Michael Hedges

    -Elk Dreamer's Lament - 4:14, -Variations On Ezumi - 4:03

  • 1982(?)- Guitar Heaven /Sampler (Happy Bird/Germany/Q 90054)
    Guitar Heaven w: Alain Giroux, Michael Haumont, Jack Ada, Christian Séguret, Pierre Bensusan, Alex De Grassi, Jea-Marie Redon, William Ackerman,


    - Variations on Grieg 5:02

  • 1990 - Windham Hill -The First Ten Years (Windham Hill 0193411095)

    Variations on Claire De Lune (12str.g)

  • 1999 - TAKOMA ECLECTIC SAMPLER,vol 2 (Takoma TACD-8906/Fant.Inc)

    Black Mare Moan (6str.g, vocal)

  • 2006 - Imaginational Anthem: Volume Two (Tompkins Square)

    - Kowaka d'amour (16str.g)

  • 2007 - American Primitive Guitar (Tompkins Square)

    - Kowaka d'amour (16str.g)


  • 1996- The Seal of the Blue Lotus (CD) (Fantasy,Inc./Ace Records Ltd.London)
  • 1996- Guitar Soli (CD/Takoma TAKCD-8902-25/ConcordMusicGroup)
    Guitar Soli

    from "The Seal and the Lotus"(S) and "The Grail and the Lotus" (G):
    1 - Seal of the Blue Lotus (7:34)(S),
    2 - Mountain Man's Farewell (8:34) (S),
    3 - Dravidian Sunday (6:32),(S)
    4 - The Grail and the Lotus (6:00)(G),
    5 - The Dharma Prince (10:00)(G),
    6 - Oriental Love Song (5:56)(G),
    7 - Sansara in Sweetness After Sandstorm (6:05)(S),
    8 - Salangadou (4:12/from "Basho Sings!),
    9 - The Golden Shamrock (8:40)(G),
    10 - Street Dakini (6:28)(G),
    11 - Chung Mei - The Chinese Orchid (8:08)(G)
  • 2001- The Voice of the Eagle (LP,CDVanguard/Comet Records)
  • 2001- Bashovia (CD/Takoma TAKCD-8913-2/ConcordMusicGroup)
    (conceived by John Fahey)

    tracks: from "Falconer's Arm I":
    The Falconer's Arm - 9:51 / Tassajara - 9:46 / Lost Lagoon Suite - 12:16 / Pavan Hindustan - 6:18
    from "from Falconer's Arm II":
    Song of the Snowy Ranges - 8:33
    from Song of the Stallion:
    A North American Raga - 11:18 / Roses and Snow - 7:42 / California Raga - 9:11 / The Hajj - 5:12 / Khatum - 2:03
  • 2001- Zarthus (LP,CD Vanguard/Comet Records/79339)
  • 2006- Venus in Cancer (LP,CD Tompkins Square)
  • 2012- Twilight Peaks (LP/CD/DL Smeraldina Rima)
    Twilight Peaks
    1. Twilight Peaks - 3:40
    2. Nice Enough for Love - 5:51l
    3. Afternoon and Evening - 4:00
    4. Where Butterflies in Winter Go - 4:31
    5. Japan Idyll - 5:55
    6. Camelot II - 6:14
    7. Golden Dragon - 4:50
    8. Lament for the Earth - 4:03
  • 2012-The Seal of the Blue Lotus (LP, 4 Men With Beards)
    (with original 1st cover version)
  • 2013-Land Of Our Fathers
    Grass-Tops Recording presents, freely to the public, a digitally restored/mastered track from "Bouquet" (Basho Productions, 1983)
    released 21 June 2013
  • 2013-Visions of the Country, reissued on LP/CD by Grass-Tops Recording/Gnome Life Records Gnome Life Record (LP) / Grass-Tops Recording (CD)

    feature on Windhaming. com about the reissue

    new issues:

  • -The 1st Robbie Basho Tribute album:(2010) >VA: We Are One, In The Sun: A Tribute To Robbie Basho | CD/LP/DL | Important Records
    we are all one, in the sun
    1. Steffen Basho-Junghans - Rolling Thunder Variation II
    2. Helena Espvall - Travessa Do Cabral
    3. Meg Baird - Moving Up A Ways
    4. Glenn Jones - 1337 Shatuck Avenue, Apartment D
    5. Arborea - Blue Crystal Fire
    6. Cian Nugent - Odour Of Plums
    7. Rahim AlHaj - Baghdad Athania
    8. Fern Night - Song For The Queen
    9. Steffen Basho-Junghans - Rocky Mountain Variations
    The digital album of We are All One, In the Sun will include evocative bonus tracks by Portuguese guitarist Joseba Irazoki, Israeli Yair Yona and English guitarist Cam Deas.

Seal of the Blue Lotus
2nd edition
Seal of the Blue Lotus

Contemporary Guitar/
2nd edition
Contemporary Guitar/2nd

The Grail and the Lotus/
2nd edition
The Grail and the Lotus

  • FolkLib Index for Robbie Basho
  • Robbie Basho
  • The Beatific Lost Guitarist
  • Robbie Basho CDs
  • "RagaGuitar"
    (Radio Centraal/
    Psyche van het Folk)
  • Progressive music with American native
    (-or American Indian-) music influences

  • download:
    Just links to blogs-not an archives part! Here..
    (nearly all records except of "Bouquet" ;changed now: just for invited readers!)
    Try Here now
    (incl."Twilight Peaks")



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